Food That Keep You Cool

We all love the warm weather, but when temperatures start to reach +90F (32C) it can start to get uncomfortable, especially once the humidity gets over 50%. In fact, more people die in 90F (32C) with 90% humidity, than 110F (43C), with 10% humidity. Humans cool off by sweating, and when humidity is low, our sweat will evaporate quickly, and that takes some of our body heat with it. When it is humid, the air is already saturated with water, and so the sweat remains on our body. Once that sweat is at body temperature, then it actually forms an insulation cover that keeps the heat in, and leads to heat stroke. It is that which can kill people in a heat wave.

So what can be done to help you cool down? There are a number of things you can do Sitting in front of a fan can help, especially in high humidity, as the draught can help your sweat to evaporate. If you can, get into a swimming pool or the sea, although this is not an option for a lot of people. Be careful though with sea water, make sure that you wipe off all the salt when you get out, as it can help burn your skin quicker.

One thing to do to help you cool of is to make sure that you are hydrated. Without enough liquid in your body, you can quickly dehydrate, and that is nearly as bad as heat stroke. You need to be hydrated so that you have enough water in your body to sweat with.

However, the best way to cool off, and this is an option for everyone, is by eating something cold, as this helps to lower your internal temperature. Some foods actually cool you down better than others, but the overall result is the same. You feel much better afterwards. Below is a list of the best foods to eat when you want to cool off. The fruits, berries and vegetables, should be placed in the fridge at least an hour before using.


These are a great source of minerals and vitamins, as well as having a high liquid content, so as well as quenching your thirst, your health is also benefiting. All berries are good, such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Try and buy them fresh if you can. Do not leave berries in the fridge for hours on end, as the cold will damage them.


These are a great source of hydration, as they are nearly all water. Place a chilled slice on your tongue, as it can be really refreshing. They are also known for their health benefits, as they contain chemicals which can help with inflammation and bloating. If you have pets, try feeding them chilled cucumber as well, most will love it in extreme temperatures.


This can be kept in the fridge for two to three days before starting to go soft. This fruit is about 90% water, hence its name. It is perfect for cooling down and rehydrating, and you can find it in a lot of drinks. It is full of natural antioxidants, and vitamins such as A and C. There is nothing wrong with eating the skin on watermelons, although many people just throw it away.

Spicy Food

This may seem strange, and to go against what your brain is telling you, but things like chili’s and curries will make you sweat, and as explained earlier, this is a good way of cooling down, especially in low humidity areas.


Although these are good chilled, peel them and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. You may want to insert a popsicle stick in them so they are easier to handle when they come out. If you want to spoil yourself, squeeze on some chocolate or strawberry jam.


If you can, try and eat the pink grapefruit, as nutritionally this is much better for you, but if you want it just to cool down, then use any. Grapefruits are recommended for people on a diet, as they contain natural enzymes that bind to fat. Please be aware, that grapefruits can weaken the effect of certain medications, so check with your doctor if you are on long term tablets.


We all know about oranges, and it is the most consumed juice around, and very beneficial, as it is full of vitamin C.

Ice Cream

Along with popsicles, ice cream is a great way of cooling down. If you have just plain ice cream then add some chilled berries to it. Or make your own popsicles, and include real fruit.


This can be one of the best ways of cooling yourself down quickly, rehydrating yourself, and on top of that, getting plenty of health benefits. Make them yourself, and cool all of the ingredients in the fridge first. Use a normal blender, not a juicer, as you want to include all the bits, as that is where many of the vitamins and minerals are. Give it a good blend, and water it down with watermelon, not water. It should be on the runny side of thick if you have used the correct quantities of ingredients.

If you are unable to make your own smoothie, then purchase one from a store, but make sure that it is a freshly made one, do not buy the pre-bottled ones, as these have far less nutritional benefit for you.

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