Main Health Benefits Of Chinese Food

Chinese food has become very popular on all continents. It is not only tasty, but also very good for you. Chinese ingredients are full of the nutrients our body needs to function properly and maintain its good health status.

There are many health benefits of Chinese foods and we are going to talk about a few of them today.

The first great thing about Chinese cuisine are the chopsticks. By using chopsticks to grab the food, people tend to eat less, because they can only grab smaller chunks than they could with a fork. Having smaller bites also means that you eat slower, thus reaching the sensation of full stomach faster than in case of eating with forks and knives. When we eat fast, we become full before the stomach manages to send the satiety signal to the brain, therefore we tend to overeat very often.

Having soup as a mainstay dish also helps people fill full sooner. Chinese soups aren’t very thick, so they will bring in less calories than consistent, thick Occidental soups.

Being rich in vegetables, the Chinese cuisine manages to balance carbs very well. This is why there is no problem if you eat white rice with your food. Everything balances together perfectly and it contributes to a healthy digestion. Nonetheless, if you want an even healthier diet, you can replace the white rice with brown rice, which is supposedly better for you.

The mixes of spices and other ingredients used in food preparation are well-thought to serve the well-being of the body. Chinese foods also have medicinal powers and they may favor longevity and a better overall health.

Chinese vegetables are very dense in nutrients and extremely rich in fiber. This can help you prevent heart disease and other chronic conditions such as stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or even cancer.

Sesame oil is one of the most used ingredients in Chinese foods. It is a healthy oil because it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are healthy fats which we should consume on a daily basis in order to stay healthy and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Chinese cuisine doesn’t use milk-based foods such as butter, heavy cream or cheese. This helps promoting health. According to latest research, it seems that cow milk is not good for humans, because it has a very different consistency from the human milk and because it is very hard to digest. Besides, it may trigger allergic reactions in some cases. By not having milk in their diet, Chinese people are less prone to suffer from associated ailments.

Although it includes meat, Chinese cuisine isn’t unhealthy because no meat is served alone. They are usually accompanied by a lot of steamed or stir fried vegetables, thus offering a very nice balance between the protein and carbohydrates intake. Meats are almost always cut in very small chunks, so they can be grabbed with the chopsticks and eaten without needing to cut them. Chinese don’t even put knives on their dinner tables, so don’t expect to find them unless you specifically ask for them to be brought to you.

The Chinese cooking methods are also healthier than many Occidental ones. For instance, when stir frying, Chinese cooks would use very little to no oil, therefore decreasing the risk of cardio-vascular diseases.

Tofu is another staple in the Chinese cuisine that’s very good for you. Tofu is made from soy and it contains all essential amino-acids the human body needs. Besides, it also contains calcium, healthy fats and isoflavones. Isoflavones are antioxidants and they have the role of delaying the cellular aging process by neutralizing free radicals which are harmful for the skin and for many other organs in the human body. There was a study that showed that eating tofu may lower the risk of developing anemia, a condition in which the number of red blood cells is lower than normal. Another research discovered that people who eat more tofu frequently have less lead in their blood. Lead in a toxic heavy metal, so it’s good not to have it in the body.

The food combinations are also good for the general state of health of persons who eat Chinese. We see today in the Occidental cuisine that principles from ancient Chinese are taken and used, in order to allow us enjoy the same health and longevity those ancient Chinese were well-known for.

Adapting the type of food you eat to your general health condition is another principle that makes Chinese people enjoy a better well-being than other populations. For instance, if you had a cold, you would need to avoid eating cold foods such as cucumber, lemons or melons. By eating too much melon, for instance, you may start to suffer from “cold” diseases such as diarrhea or stomach pain. On the contrary, if you suffer from a “hot-disease”, you have to stay away from hot foods such as chocolate, onions, chili peppers, lobster or garlic. If you eat hot foods, your condition will worsen.

Modern Chinese people still believe in cold and hot foods and diseases theory and they live, eat and cook according to those principles. Depending on the desired health benefits, recipes may vary and people may use one or another at different times. In fact, cold and hot can be interpreted as Yin and Yang. You need to balance Yin and Yang in order to maintain your health. Thinking about how there are almost no obese Chinese people, we may see how right they are and may want to follow their example.

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